As i was busy travelling day and night which is my daily routine i kept thinking as to what to write about and one day as i was pondering i got the answer.. Now my daily travel routine includes stampede of various degrees,getting almost dismantled like Vicky of 'Small Wonder', improving my probability capabilities as to who would be the next one to get down so that i could get a seat..sometimes i get lucky but at times i dont..i keep meeting new kinds of people in the bus, but everyday is a new struggle..a new journey..Okay then let me stop the rantings about my pitiable bus journey..that isnt what i'm intended to write..
This thing happend a few days back..It was 7.45 am and as i was listening to Shreya Gosal's voice(in bahara)and gazing outside the window of the bus i suddenly noticed something interesting out of the corner of my eye, yes it was really captivating.The thing i saw made me speechless..there were three children maybe 10 or 12

Now this was really surprising because those children seemed to be very happy although they have major drawbacks and all that we do is complain and brood that things arent the way we want it to be.We normal human beings forget our manners at times and are filled with characteristic traits such as jealousy,anger, self conceitedness and what not..you name any sour quality and everyone of us would have surely experienced that at one point or the other..
Why is it that people can accept others the way they are and find ways to make things better and lead a merrier life..People even forget to smile or acknowledge someone and the worst part is that it becomes an unintentional activity..Humour is forgotten and people get subjected to something called stress which is nothing but a bogus..
Why is it that people can accept others the way they are and find ways to make things better and lead a merrier life..People even forget to smile or acknowledge someone and the worst part is that it becomes an unintentional activity..Humour is forgotten and people get subjected to something called stress which is nothing but a bogus..

I think it's time for us to wake up and lead life the way it has to be lead like spending time with our loved ones, stop making comparisons or brood about something that doent exist. Why dont we take things easier?? why dont we jus let go off things that arent necessary?? I would say that everything is upto us and the answer lies within us..I would like to end this post with the song from the popular series of the 70's that Ron Howard used to sing about 'Happiness'
"Goodbye grey sky, hello blue,
cause nothing can hold me when I hold you.
Feels so right it can't be wrong,
Feels so right it can't be wrong,
Rockin' and rollin' all week long"
Lets just make a difference making things around us more merrier and lively !!!!!!!