Am back with yet anoter book review.
Thanks to all my friends who had given a wonderful response to my previous book review which was a real boostup. There are very few books which triggers the reader to keep thinking about it even after the ending and 'Stupid guy goes to India' is one of them.
The author is a Japanese named Yukichi Yamamatsu and the book is about his experiences in our very own national capital Delhi. I've had my very own experiences in the cithy but Yukichi's book actually baffled me.Not that he wasnt just true but i was surprised that every person receives the same kind of treatment by our fellow country men.
The beginning of the book shows Yukichi planning to weave the popular comic culture called MANGA is a non Japanese land. The introduction is highly hilarious but at the same time brings down the security level of our country,nowonder the terrorists are able to walk into the country really freely. So Yukichi finally makes it to India with nominal funds in dreams of releasing manga in the country. He is mislead though when he finds out the we arent new to comics.The manner in which he is received by the hotel staff and the way they fool him with the charges is absolutely hilarious but he lets the cat out of the bag. With that Yukichi establishes his base in the country. The next thing he does is begins his quest for apartment,This is really the important part of the book.
Thus he begins working on the indian version of the famous manga with the help of various assistants who he manages to find. This part shows the sluggish and the carefree nature of the Indiand which is quite opposite to the Japanese who are well known for their rules and orderly way of living. In the end he manages to publish the book and whether he manages to sell it in the streets of Delhi or not is what you will have to find out by reading the book.
The hilarity of the book is the trait to be cherished and enjoyed by the reader but at the end we could feel that the seriousness has been concealed by humour. The manner in which we Indians have been projected is something to be ashamed of. On the other hand every other country has it's own good and bad. An Indian in Japan would receive the same kind of feeling with the language barrier and maybe a different level of perfidy. The book clearly shows the difficulties a person would face in a foreign land minus the global lingo-english.
Although the ending was a bit abrupt i really enjoyed reading the book. It made me wonder why Yukichi never tried visiting another city which might have given him a better outlook of our country.The translator has done a very good job in creaing the english version or rather the hinglish version of the book. It is an eye opener to all of us and maybe we could try to improve ourselves in the hospitality section. On the whole the book is a joyous ride and my first ever manga read.
I finally dedicate this post to all those people who are away from home in a foreign land and making the best out of it.
The author is a Japanese named Yukichi Yamamatsu and the book is about his experiences in our very own national capital Delhi. I've had my very own experiences in the cithy but Yukichi's book actually baffled me.Not that he wasnt just true but i was surprised that every person receives the same kind of treatment by our fellow country men.
The beginning of the book shows Yukichi planning to weave the popular comic culture called MANGA is a non Japanese land. The introduction is highly hilarious but at the same time brings down the security level of our country,nowonder the terrorists are able to walk into the country really freely. So Yukichi finally makes it to India with nominal funds in dreams of releasing manga in the country. He is mislead though when he finds out the we arent new to comics.The manner in which he is received by the hotel staff and the way they fool him with the charges is absolutely hilarious but he lets the cat out of the bag. With that Yukichi establishes his base in the country. The next thing he does is begins his quest for apartment,This is really the important part of the book.
Thus he begins working on the indian version of the famous manga with the help of various assistants who he manages to find. This part shows the sluggish and the carefree nature of the Indiand which is quite opposite to the Japanese who are well known for their rules and orderly way of living. In the end he manages to publish the book and whether he manages to sell it in the streets of Delhi or not is what you will have to find out by reading the book.
The hilarity of the book is the trait to be cherished and enjoyed by the reader but at the end we could feel that the seriousness has been concealed by humour. The manner in which we Indians have been projected is something to be ashamed of. On the other hand every other country has it's own good and bad. An Indian in Japan would receive the same kind of feeling with the language barrier and maybe a different level of perfidy. The book clearly shows the difficulties a person would face in a foreign land minus the global lingo-english.
Although the ending was a bit abrupt i really enjoyed reading the book. It made me wonder why Yukichi never tried visiting another city which might have given him a better outlook of our country.The translator has done a very good job in creaing the english version or rather the hinglish version of the book. It is an eye opener to all of us and maybe we could try to improve ourselves in the hospitality section. On the whole the book is a joyous ride and my first ever manga read.
I finally dedicate this post to all those people who are away from home in a foreign land and making the best out of it.