Most of us know the cultural differences between that of our country and the others. Although globalization has changed most of the practises there are quite a few which has remaind the same.Well let me stop this boring rationalism.This post is about my travel to Singapore.Now i mentioned about globalisation since the airway in which we commuted offered people complimentary drinks.Not the h2o but the hydroxyl - CH3CH2OH (thanks to organic chemistry).Ahh yes this is such a common thing,especially these days but still it was quite unusual for us(since it was our first trip abroad).
So when the air hostess announced that the passengers would be offered complimentary drinks jubliation arose from most parts of the cabin.Me being busy shooting pics (well yeah even in the cabin too) kept my listening skills at bay and wondered the reason for the hushes that appeared suddenly.The realisation stuck when i saw the air hostess bringing the trolley with peculiar bottles in it.

History repeated itself on my way back to India..since my parents had already encountered the scene all the three of us ended up laughing after the air hostess left. Well that was one memorable flight journey alright !!!!!