The word infinitesimally although is a large one the meaning it conveys is something different. I came across this word while studying quantum physics at school. Quantum physics a subject which has fascinated me to every bits and it never ceases to fascinate me. Now let me stop the train of thoughts on QP since that is not the topic of this post (maybe i should write about it in the near future though).
This post is about my disability. Yes i do have one and a very common one. This disability would be shared by many other fellow human beings. It is something that i could find in my palm and unable to let it disintegrate since the absence of it shatters me.Well yes it is my very own phone. I have got so much attached to t that, instead of typing this post it about my disability i had typed this phone is about my disability and had to rewrite it.
The world is in our hands,thanks to the mobile phone.It is the second thing to which man gets addicted to (first thing being facebook). The device has helped us in so many instances although originally it was created only for talking now it is created in such a way that we wonder what is it that this thing cannot do. Well let me stop my essay on mobile devices right here. I get carried away way too much don't i ?!!
Okay so it's been almost twenty months since i became the owner of my darling phone and i must say am so very proud of owning it.Right from improving my multitasking abilities to making people envious by flaunting about it(laughs) and responding to my official mails in record time i literally grew up with this phone. It has become so very dear to me that am unable to bear the partition (now that's a sad story of mine).
hmmm.... good one.
All the best for next olympics :-)
I also addicted to my mobile a lot once upon a time. But now I can stay without that.And life is too good without that. Some times it makes feel good by disconnecting our connectivity to the external world thorugh mobile / facebook. Once I gave my mobile for repair and got it after 2 days. Those 2 days I slept very peacefully. life went on... We are depending too much on internet / mobile and losing our creativity and forgetting traditional methods.
Isn't that cool no wonder my TL calls me the walking wikipeda (i don't know where the connection lies)
LIES :D irony ! I know u miss your phone v much. It is still alive, just on diet - that is -not eating any charge :D
itz hi time u get an android mob ..may be u can post a "RIP" :D
Interesting article. I can feel ur pain on missing ur phone.... I amazed that u r still very much active on the internet even with ur 'not so wonderful' phone. Guess it's bcoz of ur typing skills. :)
Hey, i have a piece so close to this written sometime back
u may consider this a cheap publicity, well couldnt resist echoing the same thoughts :)
Thankyou :D
maybe if u change to a smart phone u would change ur perception ;)
i jus love ur sarcasm ;)
up time to upgrade to android or ios :P
yah sob sob :(
somehow i managed to get a phone which has got basic internet features :P
the blog posts coincide although our perceptions vary :)
Thanks again !!!
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