DAY 1: It all started on march 3rd at 3pm in the noon when we boarded the was just as usual the just four of us in a compartment and the train having started we began laying zoom(our fav musical game) and it was as splendid as ever and gave the same effect as playing in the class during the boring lectures lol [:P]. So the game continued till 7pm and then after dinner(which was equivalently enjoyable) we started our game of cards with the rest of our classmates and it turned out to be really hilarious ( me being really bad at playing cards) we winded up the game after playing it for an hour or so and then the night ended(deliberately) after long hours of chatting..but then we had to wake up at 2 in the morning and after getting down at Ernakulam(Kerala) we boarded a bus to munnar..boy oh boy finally we were able to sleep for a while and after getting down at Munnar and boarding at the restaurant we started for the munnar trip. the place was similar to Otcamund with all the dams,lake and tea estates and we ended visiting all the places..
Here comes the best part of the trip - 'CAMP FIRE' it was indeed better than the previous one with all the dancing and jumping around..little tornado created her effect with her fantabulous dance performance and the day ended with hoopla and we somehow managed to squeeze into that single bed to get our forty winks properly..
DAY 2: The next day we started off to Vega Land,the most exciting place in Kerala and after three hours of bus travel(and dancing ) we reached vegaland.The first ride was a very normal one..Caterpillar -the ride for kids but we did make to it after the long queue(the place was flocked with school and college students) after finishing it we got to the next ride.I guess it the ride of vegaland,it was terrible experience and the ride was as deadly as it's name-Monster's mix(or something like that)..had Newton seen that ride he would have written another theory for the gravitational force coz the people were taken in all kinds of axes-x,y,z,a,b,c..bla bla in mid air.The worst and best part of Vegaland was that every deadly ride lasted for 10 solid minutes(PHEW!!) and after that some sort of a ride we made it to windmill(a breezy one) and then we stormed into water world-the hub of water rides.
So we made it to most of the rides-the snake ride,pendulum,family ride,water splash and then we headed to the wave pool and after having the time of our lives there we managed to complete the other rides like the pressure cooker one(that's what i named it ;)),ranger(it took us upside down three times for 30secs) the musical one and having completed all the rides we headed towards the exit..
I would like to quote this 'A happy childhood can't be cured. Mine'll hang around my neck like a rainbow, that's all, instead of a noose'
DAY 3: It was the third day of the trip and we still had energy stored in for more fun and excitement and with the same notion we made it to Atrampalli Falls..nature was at it's best with the rocks and little streams of water forming the falls it w
as a beautiful sight.After spending time in the falls we started off to our next destination - Cherai Beach. It was a typically an Arabian sea beach with all the rocks and the water a bit darker than the one in our city(Chennai). The breeze was mesmerising and after spending time in the beach we ended that day's trip and headed back to our rooms.
DAY 4 : Time played it's tricks. All of a sudden it was the last day of our trip and we decided to make the most out of it.So our first destination of Chotanikara Temple(2hrs from Aluva) and after the wonderful darshan and lunch we headed straight to the ferry. We had booked it for three hours and the boat started sailing slowly.We got to see the Chinese fishing,some dolphins(can ne
ver forget your doubt Sand :) ) and few of the ships in the harbour we went to an archaeological museum which preserved all he belongings of the Rajas' of Kerala during the Dutch peroid.The next place was Synagog-the ancient Dutch church and crossing the Jew streets we reached the completed pur ferry journey and reached the Ernakulam city.
This was another memorable part of the trip as we(only the four of us) got to see a beautiful sight.A mall situated at the marine drive. Though it wasnt like the malls of our city it really was better than the streets which resembled the ones in T-nagar.After shooting hell lotta pics we headed to the train realising that the trip had come to an end."We do not remember days; we remember moments."
These four days were one of the best moments of my life. It was sad that the trip had come to an end very quickly although it had begun slowly.We ended up having fun forgetting all the sour moments of life making beautiful memories which will always be etched in my mind forever.To look backward for a while is to refresh the eye, to restore it, and to render it the more fit for its prime function of looking forward.
I should thank my three best friends for making my college life a mellifluous ballad. Maybe i wouldnt have told this fact to them or maybe i am not that much of an expressive person but this is my token of affection and gratitude for them...

Wonderful narration at de beginnin, hilarious in de middle n really touchin at end... Hope ur frndshp wid them continues 4eva:)
wel.........ummm umm!!
am a bit disappointed!!! u din mention ab ma dance :X LOL n yea good one:)
i guess mebbe aftr 10 years if i read dis post again, i would definitely log out wid tears rolling down ma cheeks!!
@ RK
Thanks pal and yeah i really am sure that it would continue no matter what!! Thanks again :)
u know what precious things should be preserved carefully,it shouldnt be let out ;)
And yeah am sure that it would have been a best moment for you too...
cheers sweetie !!! :)
heya!The pictures u have uploaded is juicy.emote icons on the pour.this part of life is to be felt, cherishing the moments of life .This is a treat for our friendship.hurray!
wow..!! tat was a real travelogue..!!Looks like u had fabulous time with ur sweeties.!!
kalakita po:* vry vry touchy:) engayo poite........... awesum jus awesum no words:*
Thankyou :) :)
@karthik..yes absolutely :)
Awesome narration....
Gr8 Keep it up
its good to see a happy post always :)
ur narration was interesting to read
P.S:Enjoy as much u can, b4 joining company (am i threatening? )
hey srinath thankyou :) :)
@ balaji.. i can understand the state you are in and thanyouu..i would keep it on my mind..thanks again :)
Its really touching..... These trips will never come again....Hope u enjoyd !!!! Mission Completed...
@ sru
Indeed these are the most cherished moments..cheers and thankyou :) :) :)
@ Ajay
thankyou :) and yup ur right!! thanks again :)
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