Today being "World EARTH day" i just thought of writing about few things which is happening around us and things which need to be brought to focus..
As we all know,summer's in and so is the scroching heat.The thing which am going to write about happened on one summer morning(approximately two weeks back). It was at around 7.30am in the morning and i had just returned home from my morning walk.Absent mindedly i picked up my landline to ring up my dad,the blank response provided to me by my telephone made me realise that our telephone connection was out of order(and it wasnt new to me)..
Cursing the telephone department(they hadnt paid much atte
ntion to our complaint) i headed to the kitchen to drink water and after few minutes i had realised that something wasnt right. The burner in the kitchen was on but the flame wasnt. I was astonished to know that the gas cylinder's life span had ended.Bringing this to the notice of my mom,we decided to change the cylinder. After struggling for 20 odd minutes i was finally successful in turning on the new cylinder,only in vain.

With the satisfaction of having fixed it i began reading the news paper and after few minutes i just started getting odd sounds,like that of the engine of an airplane and it was from the kitchen. I was baffled when i came ot know that the cylinder was a faulty one and the person from the gas agency didnt provide a satisfiable answer to our ailment and the response was frustrating. What would a family eat when there isnt the avilability of fire to cook the food ,early in the morning??
Unknowing that the worst part was yet to come i switched on the tv. It was around 8.45am and withing a span of five minutes the most deadliest of everything occured - the power shutdown.It was the shutdown for the monthly maintenance(that's what they have named it) and it was the most unexpected one because it had occured for the second consecutive week.
This is quite common in most of the places, but such an incident is disturbingly provocative. We were put in a worst state which the people of the stone-age wouldnt have experienced. I felt as though i was living in the era which occured before the flinstones. We were practically deprived of food,electricity and the power to communicate with the outside world. 

For us it was manageable due to the presence of mobile phones to contact people,vechicles to drift to places where the power existed but it's hard to think about the plight of people who down own such contraptions.
We have neared the mid of 2010 and 2020 isnt far away. With such an irresponsible resource handling we lag an ecological approach to the management of these resources. We have the inertia of past habits, unsustainable habits.The gas agencies still stick on to the age old cylinders which are not women friendly ( a woman is the one who's at home most of the time-using it).The electricity board shutting down power every now and then in the name of power consumption or what-so-ever.In countries like China(our counter part) the power cut had previously occured on september 2009 but arent they moving towards worthwhile achievements which are the result of many little things done in a single direction and not to leave out the telephone department which is busy developing 3g services or whatever when most of the wired connections are at stake!! How on earth would India develop in such conditions?????
Something must be done to kindle the resource which we havent harvested in the minds of the people.We do not allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value and that resource is nothing but "AWARENESS"!!! ( i guess it's time to call Captain Planet)
u r right deeps... u can stand in elections... sure u'll win..... ha ha....
jokes apart.. this is a really serious issue.. i hav bcome so frustrated that i hav finally decided to get out of india and settle somewere else... i tried changing some of these but the mentality of people has become so bad they'll never change.....
what u say s true, ab the power consumption, i think it;s right. don u just think that we're wasting power ??? and yea, its disheartening to accept the fact that we are cripple without a hew things. all u should definitely curse luck fr experienced t all in a single day!!!
and yea, CAPTAIN PLANET :)
p.s -> the woman friendly part was good...!!
nice touch of humor !
lol yeah i surly would do that but if people like u move out of india then who would vote for me ;) and i guess you should write a blog about the steps u had taken u make the change n thankyou :) :)
@ sand
yeah ur right we do waste power and it's high time we take some measures :):) thankyou thankyou
@ deeps:i'll be here for u........but will people change????
u need to teach me hw to start a blog.........
heya!nice start with "captain planet".you have filed a petition to mini problems like cylinder,EB,TELEPHONE which is hardly brought into light.gud going
Dese lines come to ma mind after readin ur post
"Captain Planet, He`s our hero
Gonna take polution down to zero
He`s our powers magnified
And he`s fighting on the planet`s side"
"Captain Deepika" She's our political hero.
Gonna take corruption down to zero
And she's fighting on the planet's side"
Good one mate. Lol and I love India bcos of dese things.
Durin power cut v use to come out of our house n chat wid our neighbours. Wen I was a kid v used to play hide n seek(Missin dose moments) durin power cut.
I jus like de moment wen gas cylinder's life span ends, atleast I cud eat in hotel or in ma friend's house wid a long chat on tat day.
V cant really change anythn abt it deeps n cant even tak any actions against dese ppl. All v can do s jus sit back n enjoy dese moments
@ sunil..
charity begins at home..so we should change ourselves and then change the ones around us..
@ sru
Thankyou Thankyou :)
Thankyou for that wonderful song ;)
and yeah we have to enjoy such things but it can be done at leisure times and not on monday mornings when we rush with work...thankyou mate :) Am proud to be in India too..Cheers !!
hmmm.... but you being in chennai, you don get power cuts everyday, like we get here in coimbatore 3 hrs everyday !!! besides that so called "monthly maintenance"
PS : I dont know how i ended up in your blog... glad i did :p way to go... cheers
Yea true powercut at coimbatore is ridiculous coz i've experienced it myself..anyway i just wrote a common post irrrespective of the places we live in..
Thanks anyway :)
@ D
I know... Nice post btw...
and i'm so so tagging you in my blog :p
good one..
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